décembre 19, 2023 Collingwood reaches deal with developers on $2-billion wellness village
Source: Simcoe.com
Project: The Poplar Regional Health & Wellness Village, Collingwood, ON
Direct link: Simcoe.com
Project expected to be fully completed in 15 years
After more than two years of discussion, the Town of Collingwood and developers of the proposed Poplar Health and Wellness Village have reached a development agreement.
Just the facts
• The wellness village is a development project proposed for about 130 acres of land on Poplar Sideroad.
• The development group includes Di Poce Management Ltd. and Live Work Learn Play.
• The proposal is designed to create about 3,500 knowledge-based jobs, as well as construction jobs.
• The project will feature seven sections on one site, including an aging-in-place section, a regional health hub and wellness campus, a market district, a centre of excellence in sports medicine, a biotech and innovation district, an eco-wellness district, and an education district.
• John Di Poce has agreed to donate 30 acres for a new Collingwood hospital and two acres for a new Collingwood fire hall.
• The investment is expected to be more than $2 billion.
• The developers have received a minister’s zoning order from the province to fast-track the project.
• The town worked with the development group on a development agreement to ensure the project met the town’s standards.
• As part of the agreement, the developers committed to deliver a minimum 10 per cent mix of attainable and affordable housing within the project.
• It’s anticipated the build-out of the project will take about 15 years.